When It's Hot, It's Hot

Heat isn’t the only hazard outdoor workers face. When working outside, on roadways, job sites, or at sites with woods, bushes, high grass, or leaf litter, workers may risk exposure to poisonous plants, insect bites, venomous snakes, and other potential hazards

Heat isn’t the only hazard outdoor workers face. When working outside, on roadways, job sites, or at sites with woods, bushes, high grass, or leaf litter, workers may risk exposure to poisonous plants, insect bites, venomous snakes, and other potential hazards.   NISOH reports that nearly 100 people die each year from insect bites.  The states with the highest incident of snake bites per million population each year are North Caroline at 157.8, followed by West Virginia at 105.3, Oklahoma at 61 and Texas at 44.2.  From those numbers between 10-15 people (workers) die each year.

So here are some quick safety trips to make your life outside just a bit safer:

Ticks, Spiders and Insects

Warm temperatures bring out ticks, spiders, and insects. Best practices when working in areas where they’re present include:

  • Wearing long pants, socks, and long-sleeved shirts, and tucking pants into boots or socks.
  • Using insect repellents that contain DEET or Picaridin.
  • Checking skin and clothing for ticks daily, and immediately removing ticks using fine-tipped tweezers.
  • Treating bites or stings with over-the-counter products that relieve pain and prevent infection.
  • Seeking prompt medical attention if you experience new, severe, or persistent symptoms after a bite or sting. These may include swelling and pain at the bite site, body/muscle aches, fever, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, rash, stiff neck, and/or paralysis.
Rattlesnakes may be found in this area give them distance and respect signage
Photo by Zach Savinar / Unsplash

Rodents and other animals

Bites and scratches from wild animals can cause injury and spread germs, even if the wound doesn’t seem deep or serious.

  • Avoid contact with rats or rat-contaminated buildings. If this isn’t possible, wear protective gloves and wash hands regularly.
  • Avoid contact with wild or stray animals.
  • Wash scratches or bites with warm soapy water immediately. Seek medical attention if the wound is serious; the animal looks sick or acts unusual; the wound becomes red, painful, warm, or swollen.


Venomous snakes in the U.S. include rattlesnakes, coral snakes, cottonmouths/water moccasins, and copperheads. Employers should train workers about their risk of exposure to venomous snakes, how to prevent and protect themselves from snake bites, and what to do if they’re bitten. Tips include:

  • Watch for snakes sunning themselves on fallen trees, limbs, or pathways.
  • Wear heavy gloves when removing debris and if possible don’t place fingers under debris when moving it.
  • Wear boots at least 10 inches high.
  • If you see a snake, step back and allow it to move away. Snakes bite only when they feel threatened or trapped.
  • Seek medical attention if bitten.

Poisonous plants

Plants such as poison ivy, western poison oak, and poison sumac have poisonous sap in their roots, stems, leaves, and fruit. If the stems or leaves are damaged, the sap may be deposited on the skin through direct contact with the plant or by contaminated objects such as clothing, shoes, tools, and animals. Signs of an allergic reaction may include itching, redness, a burning sensation, swelling, blisters, and/or a rash. Outdoor workers should be trained on the hazards if there’s a risk of exposure.

  • Wear cloth or leather gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants tucked into boots.
  • Apply barrier cream/lotion to exposed skin.
  • Keep rubbing alcohol accessible. It removes the oily resin up to 30 minutes after exposure.
grizzly bear
Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi / Unsplash

Large Animal Strikes

When the weather is warm, many of the natural habitat animals (bears, dear, large cats, moose, etc.) come out to forage for food and a quick dip in a backyard pool.  Fatal animal encounters caused an average of 202 deaths per year.

Sometimes encounters are unavoidable. One of the most common mistakes that the driving public makes is they swerve to avoid contact.  By doing so causes injuries and unnecessary property and possible loss of life.

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